Sungkyunkwan University EMBA Electronic Wonderbook Only1. Various search options, easy to find who - It is easy to find the person in various encounters during the semester because you can search by star, group and club. - Yes) ㅇㅇ I met you at the club but I remember only the rider / I can only remember the name of the workplace.2. Bachelors life, notice in my hand - It is always easy to understand because it contains contents of academic life. - It provides announcement function that can be seen only on the homepage through PC, so it is always convenient to check the announcement without inconvenience.3. At a glance information on club activities - I have collected all the club bulletin boards in school. - I have been working in a separate band or chat room, so it was very hard to participate even if I was interested in the middle. EMBA E-WRITERS WRITTEN HANDBOOKJoin!